The Joshua Fund Kids
During our first trip to Rwanda in 2009, Bishop Nkundabera Redias was helping us navigate the country. While he was working with us, across town a driver ran off the road onto the sidewalk. His son, Joshua, was killed as he was coming home from school. The driver picked up the lifeless body and tossed it aside as if it were a sack of rotten potatoes. He then got into his car and pulled away. It was through this tragedy, at Joshua's funeral, that a connection was made with a local doctor. This chance meeting opened the door for us to do ministry in Rwanda.
The Joshua Fund was named in memory of this young boy who left us too soon. We honor Joshua's memory by helping other children have an opportunity to go to school. Children in this program are very poor and have no other options for an education. Some of our children have been rescued from living homeless on the streets. Others have a home but no hope of an education. School fees vary greatly depending on the location of the school and the age of the child. All children must wear a uniform. Many needs are met through this program that go beyond school fees. It can be simple needs such as a child needs a bar of soap or a young lady needs feminine products. It can get more complicated to cover medical expenses for sickness, transportation for emergencies, and a multitude of unexpected situations.
Unfortunately, we have people who commit to a child, donate and then fail to continue. Once we make a commitment for a child, we do not want to turn them away. We do our best to make sure that the needs of each child are met. Because expenses vary from year to year, we cannot keep individual accounts for each child. We do not have the manpower to make this possible. When you sponsor a child, this is your child to pray for every day. We do our best to average the expenses for each child. The donations go into a school fund account and as needs arise; we take care of the needs. We have researched other organizations that are successful with child sponsorship, and we are modeling after them. Each child is important. As the children are growing, they are learning English. We encourage interaction with each donor and their child if each party is in favor. We have been learning that it takes multiple donors to meet the needs of some of the older children.
If you are interested in child sponsorship, we ask that you make a financial commitment of $10 per week. This can easily be set up on reoccurring draft choosing school fees. Please contact us and we can help you pick a child in need. You will be given a picture of the child and the child's story. It will be your responsibility to pray for this child on a regular basis. We will send you information and updates as we have them.